the new family member

Sunday, November 29, 2009

hey there folks…been a while since i went off from blogging…typical stuffs. busy with exams and diwali etc. Anyway allow me to start off by saying that ithere’s a new member to our that would bring my family much closer, change my status frm my mom’s favorite child to 2nd favorite and one that will cure my boredom. Its my new baby, hazel. the most cutest and innocent looking mongrel or mutt i;ve ever seen.

I’ve actually always wanted a dog. Since we moved to our new house back in 2000 to be exact. i was 10 back then. But the constant rebuttal of my parents would actually cost me 9 years in getting one. I’ve always admired purebreeds. However, upon further reading, i concluded that not only are purebreeds way expensive, they’re not as healthy as mongrels too. Mongrels are the most healthiest and hardiest of all dogs…built for the streets u might say.

So i really do not know how my dad agreed for me to get a dog this time. I went up to him and said “dad…can i have a dog?”…and i was honestly expecting something like “your going off to college soon anil..why would u have one?…we cant take care of it".” But instead his answer was “sure…as long as u take care of it.”…I was rather stunned and i had to reconfirm the statement a couple of times…haha.

And so i was browsing around my normal forum which covers every single thing from pc’s to pets. And since spending rm 900-2000 on a purebreed was never an option, i decided to get myself a “normal dog” instead. And so i started searching for one..mainly by asking some friends and also looking around in that particular forum. My luck struck as i came across a cute lil puppy from kuala lumpur. It was only 6 weeks old and it had the most sweetest, innocent and cutest look i’d ever seen. I still do not regret having her at all…she;s such a baby…because of her light brown colour, i decided to call her hazel. A suggestion made by a good friend of mine vidya.

And so the deal was done than. she was delivered to my house on 21st of novermber 2009. I remember how scared she was…she was shivering because she was scared and cold as she has been in the air con for more than 2 hours straight. poor gal. 6 hours later, or after her nap, she became much more friendly..playing around, biting and chewing on my pants and all the normal things puppies do. Today she’s just 8 days old but she has already made my mom give her top priority in everything and she has made me smile after a long time. she loves playing and also sleeping on my lap

Anytime she sees me sitting down on the floor, she;ll come running and then jump on my lap and sleeps off…hahaha…she;s my new love now (sorry losh) :P…suprisingly, she;s growing up fast…i have taken note in her slight increase in size during her 8 day stay at my home. well its good cause i cant wait to see her all grown up and ready to take care of the house =)…here are some pics of my baby…well…it getting late i guess this is where i’ll end for now =)

DSC00225 When she was just 1 hour old at my place. you could see the look on her face and tell that she was terrified.


After 6 hours…she became well adjusted =)


Now she’s used to us..plays around alot and is loved by eveyone of my family and even my friends who come to visit her =)


her favorite thing to do =)