air crew's beds....

Thursday, November 13, 2008
ever wondered where pilot sleep during the flight??...or maybe where do all the air crew disappears after sometime during the flight...well pilots and air crew normally have their sessionss...according to standard procedures, during long flight, pilots and air crew are constantly replaced by another badge after 4 hours...yes the plane takes off with 2 badges of cabin crews... but dun expect to see the pilots and flight attended comfortably sitting in the first class compartments...LOL....not allowed to...haha...they have their onw bunks and a small room like thingy just in front of the first class compartments.....anyway here are some pics of where pilots sleep.....

This is on board the airbus A340

These bunks are to be found on the air canada boeing 747-400

this one is from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

another view of the KLM bunks

this is from a singapore airlines boeing 777

and this is a from a standard boeing 777

cool right??...and now for the most prestigious airlines of them all....

AIR ASIA!!!!!!........................................................

cool right??? :)


Anonymous said...

no wonder you want to fly for KLM...haha....

AniL RekhraJ said...

it iz all fate :)

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