hey guys…been a while since i blogged about schooling life…mainly cause i' joined form 6 around may and there’s also been nothing special to talk about in school….plain ol’ boring school… where some teachers cant speak a word of english and end up teaching maths…oh well…nvm that…
however something interesting did catch my eye….a 2nd attempt to embed the school’s name into the malaysian book of records… this time with a picture 52 meters long by 34 metes wide which is to be made ONLY with used tin cans… the aim was to collect around 180 000 cans but the students and teachers worked really hard and exceeded all expectations by collecting 186 000 cans.
the colors involved in making the picture were blue, green, red, orange, yellow and white. so the main cans consisted of COKE, SPRITE, 100 PLUS, F&N ORANGE, HEINEKEN, CARSLBERG, TIGER, REDBULL AND SEASON’S SOYA BEAN. the collection started around january…i wasnt in school yet but i heard it through some juniors who were involved.
the first step was to draw the huge picture on to the field…which was done by some measuring according to a set of scales here and there…which really wasnt my cup of tea and luckily for me i was not involved in that department. while the drawing was going on..the process of smashing the cans flat was also taking place…slowly and steadily the project was looking more and more convincing…
it was time….the cans had been collected and smashed…the picture had been drawn..it was down to us to arrange the cans….all 186 000 of them…
it took approximately 150 lower six students and 2 days to finish the project… and as serious as we were in achieving the record…we never seem to seize having fun all the way! =D
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